• Novatel Corporate Communication Solutions


The company, Turkey's largest integrated industrial group, continues its activities in many sectors including petrochemicals, refining, natural gas, trade, transmission and distribution.

Socar Türkiye website: https://www.socar.com.tr


Socar, Exproof Tablet and Phone Procurement project For use in explosive risk areas of Star Refinery, Petkim Petrokimya and Socar Turkey Fuel Storage facilities. ATEX exproof standard Owner i.safe MOBILE chose to purchase tablets and phones.

Services and Products

  • Exproof Tablet
  • Exproof Phone
  • ATEX Standard service
  • Novatel PoC Service

Socar Exproof Tablet and Phone Procurement Project

Socar, Exproof Tablet and Phone Procurement project chose to work with Novatel Communication Solutions! It will be used in explosive risk areas of Star Refinery, Petkim Petrokimya and Socar Turkey Fuel Storage facilities. ATEX exproof standard i.safe MOBILE tablets and phones are under the assurance of i.safe MOBILE Türkiye Distributor Novatel.

Let your teams work safely in areas with explosive risk! ⚠️ 📡 Communicate for your teams with Novatel, strengthen collaboration and carry all your corporate communication needs to value-added high-tech services!